The first on a metal tile. Roof device

How to make a base for a garden path. DIY garden paths

It is not properly designed. The appearance of the entire territory, as well as the organization of conducting business affairs will depend on how well they are made and how well located. You can make a path in the country with your own hands from various materials. In this article, various options for the manufacture of such tracks will be considered. We hope the information contained in it will help you master one of the technologies and implement it on your site.

Before starting the arrangement of paths, you should draw a plan of the site, apply all the buildings to it. Then you need to depict the direction of the tracks, taking into account the landings and buildings that are located in the country.

When developing trails, it is important to consider the amount of rainfall in your area. Sometimes in order to avoid stagnation of water in the country, you have to equip a drainage system. This should be taken into account, since excess water on paths made of wood, concrete and brick will render them unusable in a rather short period of time.

In order for the paths in the garden to serve you as long as possible, it is important that there are no large trees near them. Therefore, in order to present the result of work to you more clearly at the planning stage, draw up a detailed plan-diagram of the country landscape. This will help you determine not only the directions of paths / paths, but also the building material for their arrangement.

Almost all country paths are laid according to one technology. All work can be divided into several stages:

  • Land marking. It is performed using pegs and a cord. Along these lines garden paths will be laid.
  • Then the sod is taken out along the entire length and width of the marked path contours. The soil should be removed to the thickness of the sand cushion, which will serve as the basis for subsequent paving. At the same time, the minimum thickness of the sand cushion, and, therefore, the depth of removal of the turf, should be 10 cm.
  • Sand is poured into the trench, and then well compacted and leveled.
  • Then the paving of the tracks is performed. In this case, it is important that an even plane is obtained. This parameter should be monitored using the building level.

The bulk type of the path is the simplest and cheapest. As a backfill, small crumb of building stone / brick can be used. Before you backfill the path, you need to remove a small layer of turf along the width and length of the future path. Then, the bottom needs to be tamped and pebble stone poured into it, serving in this case as a pillow.

Then you should fill in small crumb of building stone / brick. But if you want your path to have a more attractive appearance, then cover it with white or colored gravel. Put curbs along the contour of the track, for example, from larger stones.

Bulk paths help maintain stability in icy conditions, and also quickly dry after rain. However, many fractions of the material with which the path was filled up will quickly appear in the garden. In this, bulk paths are inferior to their concrete counterparts.

If you do not want to part with a short-cut lawn and do not imagine it possible to cross this green carpet with paths and paths, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with one tricky option. Before you make this wonderful path, you should purchase a cement mortar and stock up on burdock leaves.

Mix M500 cement mortar in a small container according to the instructions from the manufacturer. So that the finished track elements do not soon crumble, add special plasticizers to the solution, as for paving slabs. Put a thick mass on a sheet of burdock, which in this case will serve as a form for pouring. After the solution has set, you can remove the sheet.

Now you need to prepare a place for laying such an original decorative tile. Carefully remove the turf layer so that a small depression forms on the laying of one tile. The remaining tiles are laid in a similar way. This path turns out to be airy, light and harmonious along with the lawn. On attractive decorative leaf tiles, it is convenient and safe to walk even in the rain.

Brick is a versatile material. If you have enough paving bricks on the site, then you can make a reliable path in a short time. Construction work in this case can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Defining boundaries, marking paths, extracting soil.
  2. Preparing a sand and gravel pillow.
  3. Laying paving bricks.
  4. Filling the voids with sand.

The width of the trench under the path depends on the size of the brick and the pattern laid out from it. In this case, the minimum width of the path will be 0.9 m. Determine the boundaries of the path and mark them with pegs with a cord. Take out the turf and dig a trench of small depth. In order for the border to have additional emphasis in the next 2 years, strengthen the edges of the trench with boards. After two years, you will be able to pick them up, and fill the grooves with pebbles or gravel chips.

Prepare the foundation for laying bricks. Fill the bottom with coarse sand, distribute it along the length of the track and compact it. After falling asleep gravel and follow the same steps. Then comes another layer of sand, which also needs to be distributed along the length of the track and tamped.

Now you can start laying bricks. Start laying along the boards. In this case, the bricks should be slightly sunk in the sand, as shown in the photo. Correct the position of the brick with a wooden hammer. In this case, the bricks laid on the end will serve as a border. Lay the bricks according to your design, gently hammering them into the sand. Flatness of the track plane check the level.

The gaps between the bricks must be filled with sand. To do this, carefully pour sand on the cottage paths until it reaches the level of bricks. Then water the path and again sand the bricks. In the next few days, you will be able to correct the position of the bricks.

Natural stone is one of the noble, expensive materials. Garden paths covered by it testify to the financial situation and status of the owners of summer cottages. To create a feeling of unity with nature, lay out stones of different sizes and shapes in the form of plates. To do this, you will need a pickaxe to level and trim the stones and a grinder / grinder.

The construction of a stone path can be divided into several stages:

  • Carry out preparatory work, namely determine the size of the path, remove the turf layer, make a sand pillow (fill the bottom with sand and tamp it).
  • Fit, trim and grind the stone.
  • Place the stone on top of the sand cover, but do not fix it. The free cavities between the stone tiles should be approximately the same - 15–25 mm.
  • Extra sand should be removed from under the unevenly laid stone tiles, and then they should be tapped every 60–70 cm with a rubber mallet.

In some cases, the stone is placed on a cement-sand mixture. It hardens in a short time, which only increases the strength of the path, which will last you an order of magnitude longer. The voids between the stones are filled with soil or sand.

In the garden, tracks made of paving slabs with a thickness above 60 mm look very good. This material meets the practical and aesthetic requirements of gardeners. The natural background of the cottage is best supported by a track of blue, red and yellow-sand tiles.

Materials and Tools

From the materials you should purchase:

  1. Edged board / saw cuts / garden parquet from the most resistant to atmospheric precipitation and temperature extremes of wood.
  2. Borders made of wood, metal or concrete.
  3. Materials for filling the pillows and the gaps between the elements of the path - sand, pebbles, gravel.
  4. Rolled and coated waterproofing.

From the tools you will need:

  • Roulette.
  • Hammer, mallet.
  • Chainsaw.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Shovel.
  • Power Planer.

First of all, as in previous cases, you need to make markings under the paths, remove the turf layer. The depth of the trench for laying the track should not exceed 40 cm, but it all depends on the material you choose for its device.

The bottom needs to be covered with rolled waterproofing. This eliminates the growth of weeds and grass and the ingress of dampness from the ground into the track elements. On top of the waterproofing cover a layer of sand / gravel, which will act as a drainage system and foundation for laying.

The next step is to install the curbs. If the base of the structure provides for the sides, then they should be laid along the edge of the trench. After that, you can lay the finishing material - boards / timber / saw cut or garden parquet. Before this, however, you should cut the lumber to the desired length, and also conduct its processing, namely, cut the surface with an electric planer.

Then the workpieces must be covered with drying oil, treated with an antiseptic specially designed for wood, as well as bitumen or coated with waterproofing.

You can lay out lumber with or without gaps. The distance between the lumber can be between 5-8 cm. Then the path must be leveled with a mallet. In this case, it is better not to use a hammer. The rubber base of the mallet eliminates the possibility of damage to the lumber in the form of cracks or dents.

The gaps between the wooden elements of the track should be covered with gravel, pebbles, sand or other loose elements.

Technology for laying a track from a saw

Paths from a saw cut look rather original. However, before deciding to lay such a track, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some of its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages of the saw tracks, the following deserve attention:

  1. Simplicity of arrangement.
  2. Cheapness of the source material.
  3. Possibility of self-installation.
  4. They have a natural attractive appearance.
  5. Environmentally friendly material is used.
  6. It is possible to repair the track if necessary.
  7. Puddles do not accumulate on them.
  8. The ability to create a unique picture, because all the cuts are different.

Of the disadvantages it is worth paying attention to those:

  • Susceptibility to decay.
  • Any wood reacts to temperature changes, even one that is highly durable.
  • The need for care if you want the saw tracks to be always attractive.
  • Saws become slippery after rain. However, this disadvantage can be offset by treating the track with a special compound.

For work you will need:

  1. Wood cuts.
  2. Sand, gravel, pebbles and water.
  3. Mallet.
  4. Shovel, brushes and buckets.
  5. Geotextiles or roll waterproofing.
  6. Level.
  7. Hand chainsaw.

In order for the saw cuts to be ready by the time of laying, they need to be prepared in advance. When choosing wood, it is important to consider the expected life of the finished track and the load that will be on it.

If you want your paths / paths to serve you as long as possible, then give preference to solid varieties of wood. Among them are oak and pine. But the most durable is considered larch wood, which can last you more than 25 years.

When it comes to choosing wood, a lot depends on the budget you have. Often, the materials that are available on the site are used as cuts for arranging the tracks.

Saw the log into cuts with a height of 15–20 cm. The height of all workpieces should be the same. If you make cuts with a height of less than 10 cm, then the probability is very high that the material will not become fixed in the ground and will shift when pressed.

The service life of the material will increase if you clean it from the bark, which is peeled off in the first place. It is also not recommended to use cracked saw cuts, since cracks will increase under stress and soon the track will simply become unusable.

Treat the saw cuts with preheated drying oil. Due to the temperature of the drying oil at which it must be applied during the performance of these works, it is highly likely that injury will occur. It is possible to replace drying oil with antiseptic agents that provide protection against moisture and bio-protection. In this solution, saw cuts should be kept from 2 to 48 hours.

Bottom saw cut with bitumen. If you want to age the wood, then treat it with a solution of copper sulfate. Then the material should be dried.

Marking and preparation of the base is carried out in the same way as with the arrangement of wooden paths. The only thing is that the depth of the trench should be determined from the calculation of the height of the saw cuts + 5–10 cm for laying gravel and sand cushions.

Borders should be installed before the installation of saw cuts. The borders can be stones, bricks, long logs, bars or sheet metal.

Now you need to fill up the second layer of sand. To seal the sand, you need to pour it with water, and then tamp.

The order of installation of saw cuts does not matter. You can create a pattern depending on the size of the cut and the preferences of the owner. Alternatively, you can lay down the saw cuts so that there is minimal space between them, or, conversely, leave a space between them, which is then filled up with loose material.

The only thing that is important to observe is tamping the saw cuts, leveling them according to the level.

You can fill up saw cuts with sand. Another option for backfilling is land with seeds of ground cover plants. In addition, after laying the track, you can paint the saw cuts in bright colors or leave them as is. You can still open them with transparent rain-resistant varnish.

The wood is quite whimsical and in order to serve it as long as possible it needs regular care. To do this, once a year, clean the track with a metal scraper. Then it must be treated with an antiseptic and coated with varnish or paint.

If necessary, replace the saw cuts that have fallen into disrepair by pre-treating the new elements of the path with antiseptics and bitumen from the lower side. Do not polish the ends of the logs, otherwise the track will be very slippery after rain.


In the provided video material, you can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of making garden paths:


The diagrams show the subtleties of making a garden path:

Neat paths, gracefully winding between green spaces and landscape decor, are an integral attribute of any garden. So if you want your site to be truly well-groomed and complete, in no case do not neglect the paths. Fortunately, for their arrangement, you do not need to spend fabulous amounts and attract professional designers - you can make beautiful paths with your own hands, seriously saving both materials and work. How? There are many answers to this question, because there are a huge number of types of garden paths that can be laid at a low cost. Next, we offer you the instructions of the most popular options with the accompanying photos and videos - after reading them, you can definitely effectively refine your site.

Original track made of wood cuts

Wooden round timber is a very simple but original material for garden paths. Raw materials for them can be found on each site - for sure there will always be old trees that should be replaced by new seedlings. It is advisable to use larch or oak - they are most resistant to external influences, which means they can boast a long service life. The path from the cuts is done according to this scheme:

Tip. In order to protect the track from moisture and increase its durability, equip the simplest drainage - pour a layer of small gravel between the sand cushion and the saw cuts.

Durable stone walkways

One of the most durable options for a garden path is made of natural stone. Here you can use a cobblestone or a boot - they are equally durable. The path is laid as follows:

  1. Mark the garden path.
  2. From the site where you plan to lay the path, remove the top layer of drain. The depth of this layer should be 7-10 cm greater than the height of the largest stone prepared for the track.
  3. Pour the resulting trench with a 10 cm layer of sand, carefully level it and compact it.
  4. Alternately lay the stones on the sand cushion, pressing them firmly into the base. The distance between small stones should be no more than 2-3 cm, and between large stones - up to 8-10 cm.
  5. Gently fill the remaining intervals with cement mortar. When the track sets, cover the seams with ground or fine sand to make them look more natural.

Classic concrete paths in the country

Concrete is a traditional material for laying paths, which enjoys constant popularity due to its low cost and ease of operation. Everyone can definitely make a cast track:

  1. Mark the boundaries of the path - drive pegs along its contour and pull a wire between them.
  2. Within the indicated contours, dig a small trench - up to 30 cm deep.
  3. Lay a 5 cm layer of gravel and the same sand on the bottom of the base. Seal the resulting pillow.
  4. Cover the base with a “chain link” or any other thin metal mesh.
  5. Along the perimeter of the future path, install the timber formwork.
  6. Prepare the cement slurry: 1 part dry cement, 1.5 parts sand, 2 parts gravel and 1 part water.
  7. Pour the cent and evenly, with vibrating movements, using a spatula, distribute the composition over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe track. During installation, pierce the mixture with a rod to prevent the formation of voids.
  8. Using the rule, finish aligning the path and cover it with polyethylene.

After 3-4 days, the track will be ready. All this time, do not forget to gently moisten it with water to protect the concrete from cracking and give it maximum strength.

Tip. To make the path more interesting, even before the concrete mix finally sets, “drown” in it various decorative pebbles, glass or seashells.

Budget Tire Garden Paths

Transport tires have long been widely used in summer cottages: flowerbeds, ponds, swings are made from them, and now garden paths are also made. This trend is not surprising, given the operational characteristics of the material: tires are resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, easy to care for, do not slip and are durable. You can equip a garden path from them as follows:

  1. With a knife, divide the tires into two parts: rolling tracks and sidewalls. To make the knife easier to get into the rubber, regularly lubricate it with oil or soap.
  2. Cut from the resulting rings of tape. Fit them to length and trim the edges.
  3. Take wide wooden boards and gently fasten rubber bands on them so that they completely cover the wood - there should be no empty spaces between the elements.
  4. Remove the entire soil layer along the entire length of the future path with a depth of not more than 5 cm and press the wooden boards into the base. If desired, the rubber can be painted.

Brick country paths

Another traditional material for garden paths is brick. It is recommended to use clinker products, as they are characterized by high resistance to various kinds of chemical and mechanical influences. It is important that the bricks are intact and without chips, otherwise the path will turn out not only unaesthetic, but also unsafe.

The track is laid in this way:

  1. Mark the path: drive a peg around the perimeter and pull a rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench along the marked outline - up to 25-35 cm in depth.
  3. Along the trench, lay the guards from the bars or boards.
  4. The space between the limiters, that is, the “body” of the track, cover with a 10 cm layer of gravel and compact it carefully. Lay a layer of sand above with a height of not more than 5 cm.
  5. Remove the restraints and make borders in their place: on both sides of the path lay one row of bricks in the “on the edges” position.
  6. Form the inner space of the track from the bricks: lay them in their usual position, gently tapping them with a wooden spatula or rubber mallet so that they sit down.

Tip. It is not necessary to lay the bricks closely - to give the track a more original look, leave small cracks and fill them with pebbles. In addition, you can not even close the gaps - after some time, grass will grow in them and decorate the path.

Multi-format wooden paths

Wood is one of the most fertile materials for the manufacture of garden paths, as it can be used in completely different forms. Consider two common options: track from boards and from bark.

Site preparation in both cases looks the same:

  • mark the path and remove the topsoil - about 20 cm;
  • lay on the received trench geotextiles;
  • sprinkle 10 cm of gravel on top.

Further technologies diverge. So, if you make a track from boards, prepare the constituent elements: adjust them in length and width and treat them with an antiseptic. If you wish, you can give them a sinuous shape. Further along the edges and in the center of the trench along its entire length, install plank supports and fix them with cement mortar. The final stage is to nail already prepared planks to the supports.

If you want to build a path from the bark, make sure that the material is durable - it should not crumble. Be sure to treat the bark with an antiseptic. Before fixing the material in the trench, lay a sand cushion on its base, and then drown the bark in it.

Tile garden paths

Although tile can not be called a very cheap material, it is still used very often to make garden paths. There are several reasons for this: aesthetic appearance, good performance and ease of working with the material. The latter will convince you with the technology of laying a track from a tile:

Now you know many interesting ways to make a garden path with your own hands at low cost. Following simple instructions, you can implement on your site any of the above options, so feel free to get to work and discover new opportunities for landscaping the garden.

Garden paths in the country: video

DIY garden paths: photos

Comfort at the cottage is no small matter. On the ground, we not only work, but also relax. And they can decorate any site. But first of all, it is a question of cleanliness and safety (who has never fallen, slipping on the muddy ground, does not know what I'm talking about)). So today I want to tell you about 9 popular garden path materials, as well as about their advantages and disadvantages. If you miss something, write in the comments.

Comfort at the cottage-   matter of no small importance

Preparatory work

It is not necessary to be a landscape designer or builder in order to build beautiful, durable and safe paths on your site. A little information, effort and imagination - and the "path of dreams" is ready. The only thing I advise you before starting work track tracks, planning their location   so that it is convenient to get to any point on the site.

Tracks can be straight or meandering. Designers know that a winding path is capable. But most gardeners prefer not to philosophize slyly and make a straight line.

Pay special attention soil preparation. After marking the tracks (and this is easiest to do with a cord and pegs), remove the turf with a shovel.

In fact, you need to dig a small trench, the height of which depends on the height of the sand cushion. Yes, in most cases, sand will be required, which should not only be poured, but level and tamp. For greater reliability, the bottom of the trench must be covered with gravel or.

Materials for arranging a garden path

When choosing a material, consider relief and design   plot. Well, if in your garden there is no place for designer “little things”, proceed first from the operational properties of the materialwhich I will talk about below.

1. Natural stone

A colorful and noble material that fits well into any landscape style. But in our gardens it is not so common. Which can be used to create a garden path? The most different. From expensive breeds - basalt, granite, porphyry and marble. More affordable - sandstone and limestone. They all differ in color (gray, dark red, greenish gray, black), surface, finish.

Can be put into action raw stonecollected in the highlands. And you can take sawn a rock, which in itself is almost a tile. Laying stone slabs is much easier, but they cost more.

Of other breeds used diabase, gabbro, all kinds of pebbles, tufa, shales and dolomite.

Advantages natural stone:

  • longevity: it will serve in the literal sense for centuries;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beauty.

The disadvantages of natural stone:

  • heavy weight (physically difficult to make such a track);
  • high cost, even if you take simple limestone.
  • icing. Alas, on most rocks during the cold season, an ice crust forms, and therefore walking along such a path is unsafe. There is salvation, but not everyone will decide on it. This is the installation of the heating system directly under the track)). I seriously do that too.

What you need to know:

  • Porous stonesfor example limestone and tuff, absorb moistureand therefore it is advisable to treat them with a water-repellent solution every 3 years.
  • When laying natural stone, remember that at least one side must be flat. The trench needs to be made deep enough so that the stone fits well and the path is smooth. In this case, it is advisable to fill with half rubble of the trench. And already on the compacted rubble, pour sand and lay stones. And do not forget to buy a rubber mallet for laying stone. However, if the stone is solid, you can do with a hammer.

2. Wood in a variety of forms

The material is also colorful, but, unfortunately, not as durable as stone. If you don’t want to change the garden path every 3-4 seasons, immediately think about treating the track with antiseptic and water repellents. I think the one that is used for processing is quite suitable.

Our market will help you choose the right tool for processing tracks. and compare the offers of different online stores.

HUSKY Antiseptic semi-gloss HUSKY Siberian Strawberry 2.7 L 579 rub LOOK

Tikkurila Antiseptic Tikkurila VINHA VVA Opaque 2.7 L 2 749 rub LOOK

HUSKY Semi-gloss antiseptic HUSKY Siberian Oregon 2.7 L 929 rub LOOK

Pinotex Antiseptic Pinotex Ultra colorless 2.7 L 1 929 rub LOOK

  Wooden garden paths are very different:
  • from boards   (as bridges - the easiest and most familiar option);
  • from special wooden tiles;
  • from wooden saw cuts. A very interesting idea, by the way. It looks amazing, especially if you use saw cuts of different sizes and nicely arrange them.

Which species are best suited for the garden path? Of course, oak. True, it will not be cheap. Oaks are generally valued on the farm. I know old houses that still stand on oak poles. also does not rot for a long time. Well, if there are none, take any wood you find). You can even sawn garden trees.

Advantages of wood:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • beauty;
  • variability of decisions. You can think of anything, would be a fantasy;
  • quick drying. Wood - the material is very warm, so in the spring it quickly thaws and becomes a favorite place for cat's sunbathing \u003d))

Disadvantages of a wooden garden path:

  • short service life (if it is not oak, larch and similar species).

What you need to know:

  • Before laying the same saw cuts, you can process with drying oilbrought to a boil. After drying, this treatment should be repeated again.
  • On a sand pillow, some are advised to put plastic filmat. Wood will not come in contact with the ground and, as a result, will rot less. On the other hand, there is a high probability that moisture will accumulate there. To avoid this, the ground under the future path must be formed in the form of a gentle arch. Then certainly water will not accumulate.
  • Void between cuts   can be covered with wood chips, sand, gravel or gravel. To your taste. If you fall asleep with sand, over time there will break grass and it will be very beautiful.
  • Nailing the walkways, leave between the boards small clearance. Firstly, the wood will be “handed out” from moisture, and secondly, water will leave in the gap.

3. Special materials for road surfaces

These include processed stone, asphalt, in the end - that is, all those materials that are traditionally used in the construction of roads and sidewalks.

The advantages of such materials:

  • simplicity of laying;
  • beauty;
  • durability: they are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, withstand loads.


  • high cost (for example, paving stones cost an average of 400 rubles per 1 m²). If the site is large, such a garden path can "fly into a pretty penny."
  • on paving stones it is inconvenient to walk on stilettos (so, just in case)).

What you need to know:

  • Garden paths made of such materials have a finished look only if there are borders. Although, if you lay them flush with the ground, you can do without borders.
  • Important monitor the fit of the tiles to each other   and constantly check the level, otherwise there is a chance to get a skewed track.
  • If you notice any defect (for example, a crack), do not use such a tile, since in the future it will quickly become worthless.

4. Brick as an alternative to paving stones

  quite often used to equip garden paths. You can combine bricks of different colors, create ornaments, lay them both flat and on the edge.

Advantages of a brick garden path:

  • beauty;
  • strength;
  • long service life.


  • high cost (1 clinker brick costs an average of 30-40 rubles.)

What is important to know:

  • A brick garden path is best laid per solution. It is also possible on the sand, but there is a chance that one day the bricks will just crumble.
  • In any case, bricks for borders should be placed on the solution.
  • On the sides of the track, at the junction with the lawn, you can drive a board. It will additionally keep the track from “scattering”. This technique is applicable for any garden path.
  • Not every brick will do, but clinker only. It is more expensive, but stronger than construction. Construction will quickly crumble.

5. Concrete

Actually, why not?

Advantages of the concrete garden path:

  • strength and durability;
  • resistance to humidity and temperature changes;
  • the possibility of subsequent laying on a concrete base of tiles or stone.

What you need to know:

  • The more cement in the solution, the stronger the track. Optimum ratio: 1:2:3   (cement, sand and gravel, respectively).
  • Formwork   from boards around the edges required. Otherwise, the solution will blur.
  • There is an interesting solution for the decor of a concrete track: until the concrete has frozen, prick the colored glass and push the large glass into the surface. A very nice ornament can be obtained. In the same way you can use pebbles, small pebbles.

6. Gravel

Great material for creating winding paths. No need to align and align anything. It is enough to fill and tamp. This is the so-called bulk   track. also, by the way, is different. You can use expanded clay gravel or any other, stone chips, gravel, etc.

Gravel Benefits:

  • cheapness (“Kamaz” gravel costs about 1.5 thousand rubles). Correction: the price depends on the region, type of gravel, fraction, tonnage, in the end ... and depending on who you will buy)). On average, per ton is asked from 500 to 700 rubles. There are prices and higher. But there are below. Ideally: buy KAMAZ together with its neighbors. So that extra gravel does not lie near the house and it was not unprofitable.
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • decorativeness.

The disadvantages of gravel:

  • It does not withstand heavy loads. But for hiking it is quite suitable.
  • Gradually overgrows, "grows" into the ground and becomes clogged. Such a track cannot be swept, for example.
  • Walking on it is still not very comfortable. Especially at first, when the gravel has not yet been rammed completely.

What you need to know:

  • Before falling asleep gravel, cultivate the soil   so that the path does not overgrow with weeds (agrofibre or plastic film is used for the same purpose).
  • If not processed, the track will periodically need weeding.
  • Have to add new gravel.
  • Without borders, such a path will become shapeless. In addition, very soon gravel will roll around the site (especially if there are children)

7. Plastic

And wherever this material is used! It turns out that you can buy special plastic tiles for the garden path in the store. Any color, shape, etc.

The advantages of plastic:

  • does not rot;
  • easy to install (as a rule, special floorings are easily fastened to each other);
  • a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, etc. are available. And the plastic track can be quite beautiful;
  • light.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • does not withstand heavy loads;
  • burns out in the sun;
  • wears out pretty quickly, although plastic is also different;
  • cannot boast of special aesthetics.

What you need to know:

There are no specific instructions for installing plastic tracks. And if there is - read on the packaging when buying.

It’s interesting that there’s even a special plastic paving slabs. Do you know how it is installed? Stuck into the ground! Ideal for arranging temporary tracks, for example, during the spring crossroads. Yes, and not temporary either.

Plastic modular coating for garden paths. Photo from

Here's a fun example of a garden path

And so on. For the time being, it’s convenient for us to run around them, but the rainy season begins, so what? .. We have to urgently look for old rubber boots somewhere in the attic, or even put on grandmother’s galoshes. Mess!

Let us consider ways to create solid garden paths that will last for more than a dozen years, and they will look much more beautiful than old cozy but unpretentious paths.

For the construction of garden paths, there are many ready-made solutions. What kind of species and now you will not find on sale! Just eyes run up. But for summer residents with not very high incomes, the price of such material is quite “biting”)) Therefore, let's look at simple and economical ways to make paths in the country with your own hands from improvised material.

How to bridge?

The question immediately arises: how to bridge? A very successful design technique is to build garden paths from the same material from which a country house or cottage is built. Moreover, you probably have the remains of building material:, or. For example, if the basement of the house is lined with white stone, then put the paths “running away” from the house into the garden with a stone, and then the stone can be replaced with pavers, or something else. If your country house, then in the design of a garden path with your own hands, it is good to use a combination of wooden beams with stone, granite tiles or gravel. And a solid brick path will be combined with a brick house, only brick for garden paths needs to be used with paving clinker, because an ordinary construction one will fall apart in a couple of years. In general, look around and be smart))

DIY concrete track

Many summer residents, without further ado, build monolithic concrete tracks. Strong, but so dull ... However, concrete paths can also be ennobled: they should be beautifully decorated at the time of construction with colored mosaics, pieces of ceramic tile or. And to build such tracks with your own hands in the country is very simple.

  1. Noting the width and length of the track, its bed is buried by 8-10 cm.
  2. Then it is sprinkled with sand to a height of 5-6 cm, the sand is well compacted and spilled with water.
  3. After that, along the entire length of the bed of the track, frames are mounted, knocked down from wood or plywood, leaving a distance of 5-7 cm between them. The width of the frame should correspond to the width of the track. The most optimal and convenient size of a wooden frame for concreting: 60x60 cm.
  4. Then the frames are poured, and when it dries slightly, decorative elements are beautifully laid out on top (you can even ordinary shell rock).
  5. After the track has completely dried up (2-3 days), the ground between the plates is planted with unpretentious plants for the lawn. That's all)) - do-it-yourself concrete track is ready.

DIY garden paths from boards

The best material for creating a wooden walkway will be non-rotting wood.

  • Wood paths usually lifted above the ground, reinforcing them on durable massive bars treated with a special compound from rotting.
  • And the bars, in turn, are installed on a layer of gravel (5-6 cm).
  • Gravel pre carefully align   all over the garden bed.
  • The flooring is done not end-to-end, but with an interval of 1-2 cm   between the boards, to provide a kind of "airing")) Thus, the board path will last much longer.
This work is rather meticulous, but not at all complicated.

Do-it-yourself garden planks of wooden chocks

You can also build a garden path from wood chocks or cross sections of thick trees, pre-treated to protect against decay.

For this:

  1. According to the previously planned bed, the tracks are dug with a trench 5-6 cm deeper than the height of the chocks or wooden "round" ones.
  2. The bed is covered with gravel (2-3 cm), then sand (2-3 cm), carefully tamped, watered abundantly and put chocks in the bed as densely as possible.
  3. After that, gravel is poured in the gaps in half with sand and watered again abundantly.
  The work is completed)) The result and technology for creating a garden path from chocks with their own hands is presented in the photographs:

1. In the bed of the track tightly set chocks:

In the box set chocks. Photo from the

2. Level the chocks in height with a sledgehammer:

Align in height. Photo from the

3. The finished garden path, where the lumps are already covered with rammed gravel and sand:

Result. Photo from the

Garden paths based on curly shapes: a master class

Here is this pretty do-it-yourself garden path built with the help of durable polystyrene prefabricated molds that are widely available on the market.

Garden path forms themselves might look like this:

Their cost varies from 160 to 900 rubles. You and I will need at least 4 identical shapes.

You can choose suitable forms using our market, where products from different online stores are presented. .

Form for paving slabs Flower 249 rub LOOK
Russian vegetable garden

Form for paving slabs Wave 189 rub LOOK
Russian vegetable garden

Hormusend form brick stone lv-kk-005 878 rub LOOK
All tools new

Without brand Form for garden paths 60x60 cm 799 rub LOOK

Operating procedure:

1. First, determine the location and width of the garden paths, using pegs and a rope for this. Here I want to note: similar shapes, like puzzles, easily adjoin each other, and the size is usually 60x60 cm, which is enough for a narrow garden path. If you want to build a wider path - 1.2 m, then fold the two shapes not along, but across the bed.

2. Now arm yourself with a shovel and dig a trench 8-10 cm deep along the intended bed. Tamp the ground well. For this, it is better to use an electric vibrator; you can tamp the earth manually, but it will require a lot of effort. Pour a layer of rubble or pebbles (3-4 cm) into a well-compacted trench, and pour river sand (5-6 cm) on top. Before laying the mold, spill sand abundantly with water from the spray hose. Then grease the forms with machine oil (for lack of it, you can use ordinary vegetable oil) and set them on wet sand.

Form in the trench. Photo from

3. Prepare a solution: cement - 1 part, sand - 3 parts and crushed stone - 4 parts. Add a special binding mixture for the foundation and, adding water, begin to mix the solution, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream. And so that your garden path with your own hands shines with multi-colored paints, add the dye of the desired color to the solution.

We are preparing a solution. Photo from

4. Then, with a trowel, fill the forms to the edges, avoiding air bubbles, and then remove the excess solution with a pre-prepared plastic rail (for this purpose, you can also make iron).

Fill the solution. Photo from

The solution will “set” in 30-40 minutes, the forms can be carefully removed, shift them further along the path of the future path and repeat the procedure. Forms are removed from semi-moist cement rather easily (unless, of course, you forgot to grease them))

Remove the form. Photo from

5. While the solution is not completely dry, you can decorate the track with pieces of colored tiles, porcelain stoneware, beautiful pebbles or other material. It is only necessary to press decorations a little into the cement, and after the solution has completely dried, they will hold very tightly.

Now the most difficult phase of work has remained)) - to protect your newly created masterpiece from encroachment of pets or pampering children, because the cement mortar will completely dry out only after 2-3 days, and even then - under the conditions of sunny weather. Therefore, think over “defensive measures”, put signs with the inscription or temporary fences.

As you can see, building a beautiful garden path with your own hands is not at all difficult. True, you will have to work hard)) But you create convenience and beauty for yourself, and not for one year, so you should be diligent and imaginative in order to ultimately enjoy the fruits of your work. Good luck to you!

The following publications may also come in handy:

Creating garden paths with your own hands at low cost is the subject of tireless care and thought at the beginning of the arrangement of a new site. But it only seems that once arranging the transitions between important objects, you can calm down and no longer deal with this problem. Tracks tend to collapse during heavy use. There is also the problem of the impact on them of natural destructive conditions. The decision to make tracks with your own hands at low cost, that is, rationally and economically, with an unprofessional approach, easily turns into the need to update them after a short time. And the desire to create a truly original design project can lead to the fact that paths in the garden in a year will require a radical alteration.

Creating garden paths with your own hands at low cost is the subject of tireless care and thought at the beginning of the arrangement of a new site

The choice of tools, materials and methods for creating the final chord of landscape design should be dictated not only and not so much by the low cost and not even the originality of the project, but by the need to create a truly durable and convenient means of transition.

Modern industry, focused on consumer demand, has provided many options for those who, having some means, prefer to work on the site independently. The use of such things can save time and solve several problems at once:

  • lay out beautiful paths in the country (decorative and seasoned in a certain style);
  • allow laying on any surface, spend it with minimal time and available tools;
  • at the same time get a durable and aesthetic construction.

In order to verify this, just visit any building materials hypermarket. Choosing the right material is only a matter of a person’s preferences and the state of his finances. The most popular materials are:

  1. Garden parquet (specially treated wood). Quite expensive material that can be used for terraces, arbors, verandas. It is easily and quickly assembled with the help of special devices, and just as easily disassembled if necessary.
  2. Plastic plates. The track of them is arranged easily and quickly; they are made of frost-resistant plastic, do not slip, fit both in length and in width. This cover can be easily and quickly dismantled for the winter, and in the spring to lay paths in any convenient place. Such installation and dismantling make it easy to correct errors in the calculations when country paths are laid in an uncomfortable place or unaccounted moves are trodden on.
  3. Garden parquet made of plastic. In appearance and the resulting visual effects it resembles wooden parquet, but it is much cheaper and more resistant to natural influences. The paths from it will last until it wants to be updated.
  4. Finished concrete slabs are small. Concrete is a resistant and durable material, and the use of the finished form has its undeniable advantages: the slabs can be laid without any special preparation - right on the rammed dirt paths. True, their appearance will not be very aesthetic, but it is durable and functional.

Modern industry, focused on consumer demand, has provided many options for those who, having some means, prefer to work on the site independently

When buying ready-made styling products, it is best to consult a specialist who will help you calculate the required amount, give some practical advice. But with the use of such functional modules in a day or two paths in the country with their own hands will be equipped.

Gallery: garden paths (25 photos + video)

Difficult and time consuming

For lovers of thorough and time-consuming work associated with measurements, batches, fillings and expectation of results, there are tracks for perfectionists.

A do-it-yourself path can be made of concrete by pouring, of paving slabs, of wooden round tiles, of natural stone, of river flat pebbles.

It should be borne in mind that even for simple concrete pouring, you will need:

  • formwork;
  • shovel;
  • improvised concrete mixer;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • stone chips or gravel;
  • cover material until concrete is in place.

If the necessary sand or chips are not calculated correctly, such a path will begin to crumble over time and require additional refilling.

When buying ready-made styling products, it is best to consult a specialist who will help you calculate the required amount, give some practical advice

For laying paving slabs you will have to prepare an even more impressive list of tools:

  • a wooden mallet;
  • rubber mallet;
  • tile;
  • master OK;
  • cord;
  • rake and broom;
  • cement, sand and gravel;
  • manual ramming;
  • level;
  • channel;
  • hose.

DIY track can be made of concrete by pouring

Paths from paving slabs are laid out for a long time and thoroughly:

  1. Cut turf.
  2. Layers of sand and cement are poured.
  3. Geotextiles are laid for strength.
  4. The tile is cut at the end to fill places where unformatted pieces of space remain.
  5. The border is laid out to secure the path.

But it's worth it. Everything will be like in the best houses, that is, beautiful, stylish, decorative and fashionable. A few days spent on work will more than pay for themselves with the appearance of the site. Photo upload will not be embarrassing. It is quite possible to make such paths in the country with your own hands.

The most difficult and original ones in the choice of how to make a garden path are the transitions from round river pebbles and wooden round beams. This is a true task for those who like to put together puzzles of a thousandth on long winter evenings or assemble ships in a bottle with tweezers. To prepare the foundation, which would reliably withstand and consolidate such handmade masterpieces, it will take several days. And in order to lay out the paths with small pebbles (and even with whimsical patterns), it will take even more time. If you wish, you can have fun with this all summer, carefully selecting the stones according to the pattern, format and shades. Only a path made of plastic bottle caps can compete with this, a photo of which was posted by its proud author.

It will take a long time to collect the required number of covers, but the paths will be no worse than mosaics in Rome.

Paths in the country from wooden round beads should be done, focusing on sawing material. The only thing to remember before deciding on such a laborious process is to carefully study the technology of wood processing. Just putting wooden round timber on the ground means that you have to make a new track next year. The earth will sag, the tree will crack, the path will become worthless. Therefore, the process is supposed to be long and complicated. These tracks with your own hands will be very convenient. Natural stone for tracks is very reliable, fashionable and with a certain skill also decorative.

In limited means and fast

The easiest solution is to leave the already trodden dirt paths. This is associated with certain inconveniences in rainy weather, but it is extremely budgetary and delightful in its simplicity. A slightly more complicated process is to fill curbs from improvised material or wooden battens and fill the space between them with crushed stone or gravel. There are many tips on how to make paths in the country without spending special funds and efforts. For example, you can use the waste of building materials left after the construction of a country house. This is much cheaper than making a path from a lawn so wide that a lawn mower passes, and taking care of it so that the grass grows exceptionally smoothly.

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