The first on a metal tile. Roof device

Putty tools: the use of different types of spatulas. Sizes of spatulas: how to choose tools for finishing putty walls Special types of spatulas for putty walls

The key to the quality of any interior decoration, whether it is painting, wallpapering or tiling, are perfectly smooth walls.

Putty is understood to mean leveling of minor defects, such as small indentations, cracks, joints between plasterboard sheets or potholes. For such work, special devices are needed, one of such devices is a spatula for puttying walls.

Tool characteristic

The spatula in appearance is a spatula made of different materials, equipped with a handle. It is widely used for repair and construction work. Using it you can:

The blade should be rigid and elastic, in accordance with the requirements of the current state standard 10778−83. The tool has several important and standard sizes. In the first place is the width of the fixture, which, like other parameters, is selected according to the type of finishing work.

Manufacturers produce professional and non-professional models. Professional tools are distinguished by a thick cloth, they have a good resource, they do not deform under load. Unprofessional devices have a thinner blade complete with a plastic handle.

For highly specialized finishing works, special devices are made.

Tool material

First of all, all construction spatulas differ in the types of materials from which they are made. They may be:

  • rubber;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

For the manufacture of rubber devices, oil-resistant, high-density rubber is taken. On its surface should not be shells, sagging, dents and bubbles. No bummer is also allowed.

Steel is used in the manufacture of metal spatulas. It must comply with the requirements of GOST. The most high-quality and versatile tool is considered, with a stainless steel blade. By spraying, you can determine the quality of the metal. If the surface becomes dull, this is ordinary iron that is prone to deformation.

For plastic tools you need to use high density polyethylene, polypropylene or polyamide. It cannot have cracks, warpage, shells, chips or silver.

The handle of the spatula is made of hardwood lumber, plastic or plastic thermal rubber.

The tool is distinguished by the width of the blade:

The selection of tools for finishing work will depend on their type and skills of the performer.

The choice depending on the type of work

Select devices by type of work, since at each stage you need spatulas of different types:

In decorative plaster a number of non-standard spatulas are used. These include the Venetian relief spatula - trowel. It has four working faces, which are convenient for making patterns and applying decorative plaster. Another type of fixture is a stainless steel blade polished on both sides with a blade. Its purpose is similar to paint spatulas.

Quality spatula criteria

Today in construction stores a wide range of spatulas, which creates certain difficulties for the buyer. Therefore, when choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to some features:

A good tool is a professional tool. It is better to opt for it, as non-professional models will often have to be changed.

To putty the walls you need to choose a combination of spatulas. It consists of the main tool, the width of the blade 200−250 mm and auxiliary with a width of the web from 80 mm to 100 mm.

Verified Manufacturers

The German company Bieber is known to Russian consumers as a seller of goods for repairs, such as rollers, brushes, glue guns, paint containers and spatulas. All this tool among professional builders has established itself as unpretentious and reliable. Bieber spatulas are available for different types of work and are made of various materials - stainless steel, plastic and polyvinyl chloride, with wooden and plastic handles.

The FIT-Instrument company is an official dealer of the Canadian company, produces electric and hand tools for domestic and professional use. It has a large network of branches in Russia. One of the niches in a hand tool for every day is occupied by painting and stucco-finishing models. The advantage of FIT spatulas manufactured in their affordable price, quality, ergonomics and a variety of models and types.

Today, the Russian company Santool is developing dynamically on the market. She specializes in the production and sale of hand-held construction tools. The company is constantly increasing the output of finished products and assortment, regularly engaged in modernization of production. In the manufacture of spatulas, high-quality raw materials are used. The combination of price and quality makes them affordable for consumers and makes them popular for professionals.

A participant in the global market for quality goods is a well-known Russian manufacturer - the company “Bison OVK”. The company regularly increases the range and improves finished products. It has its own testing laboratory where, before entering the shelves to consumers, the products undergo multiple tests. The spatulas of this company are presented in two-component and plastic variations. The quality service created especially for this is responsible for their quality.

This is not the whole list of manufacturers of quality spatulas in the middle and budget price category.

Putty knife for wall putty - how to choose?

A spatula is the most commonly used tool for organizing repairs. A spatula for puttying the walls is used at all stages of finishing work. It is important to choose the right tools for all jobs. A wide variety of shapes and sizes are designed to perform specific operations. Usually it is metal plastic with a comfortable handle. Be sure to have a sufficiently sharp blade. It is used for finishing and painting work.

The working process

Selection criteria

The main property is the sufficient rigidity of the blade. If this criterion is not met, then the work will be of poor quality. Professional devices are equipped with a comfortable rubber grip. For the organization of any work, three types are acquired - narrow, wide and medium. Specialized models are designed to handle corners and apply certain conditions to the surface.

Variety of models

How to keep a putty knife when puttying walls

Reliable tools are made of durable steel. Quality appliances do not deform and are easy to clean. Choose products with perfectly even surfaces and sharpened blades. A professional tool should not bend under the pressure of the putty mixture.

Do not buy aluminum tools. They quickly fail. Aluminum surfaces must be thoroughly washed and dried to prevent corrosion on the blade.

Professional tools

The technique is as follows - applying putty and leveling it. Hold the tool at an angle of 45 degrees. The movements can be different, the best result is achieved with uniform, uniformly directed strokes. A small filler device is used to dispense a large mixture. The application of the first is advisable if it is necessary to process small areas.

The width of the blade of the metal part must necessarily be greater than the width of the crack so that it is possible to qualitatively remove the defect.


Narrow tools are used to seal the smallest flaws in the walls and smooth smooth surfaces. Not suitable for rough wall leveling.

The middle putty knife for puttying the walls removes the pits, they smooth the puttying surfaces.

Large tools with thick blades are used for rough primary processing and removal of large cracks.

Using a standard tool

It is always necessary to consider the type of putty and the base material to select the best option.

The correct spatula bends only with great effort, and the area in the region of the blade bends. The central part remains motionless. The mixture is placed in the center. And then, with stroke movements, they are distributed on the surface. To save money, the plastic mixture is mixed with the main one until a uniform consistency is formed. Thick material is no longer usable.

The corners of the spatula must be held with your free hand so that the mixture does not fall to the floor. To cut off the tubercles, it is necessary to press evenly on the entire plane of the blade. Sealing of large pits is carried out strictly at right angles.

Corner seal model

In order not to form tubercles and sagging, it is necessary to reduce the angle of inclination of the tool to the base, for example from 60 to 25 degrees, and to a flat application.

Process features

The final result depends on the quality of work. The technique depends on what material the post-processing will be performed - wallpaper, paint, plaster, etc. At the same time, all processes have standard procedures.

The whole process is logically divided into several stages.

The first is the preparation of walls, tools and mixtures. All cracks and bumps should be removed, the surfaces are sanded and degreased for better bonding of materials.

To proceed to the next step, you must clearly know how to hold a spatula when puttying the walls. After the base has dried, a starting putty is applied. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the dry mixture with water to the required consistency. It is recommended to mix large volumes with a construction mixer to obtain a completely homogeneous mixture. With a small spatula, the material is imposed on a wide one. At an angle of 45 degrees, application begins on the surface. Clean the drying surplus on the large tool in time to prevent scratches on the walls.

Proper mix distribution

After drying, the primer is applied again to improve the quality of the final finishing coat. Dressing is performed by both standard and figured spatulas to obtain the expected effect.

Wall weight distribution

The process is quite easy. But if the work is planned to be performed for the first time, then it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

  • Seal joints and cracks securely beforehand. This will help to avoid the destruction of walls in the future.
  • Choose only quality mixes.
  • Perform all the steps according to the instructions.
  • Buy dry putties. Their quality is much higher than usual.
  • Before work, clean and sand the surface of the walls.
  • For large volumes of work, always use large-sized tools so that the mixtures do not dry out during work.
  • All work is carried out in a respirator.
  • Use two spatulas. This will speed up the finishing process.
  • Wash tools clean after use. Otherwise, the cement may dry out.

Work result


Spatulas for puttying walls in the construction market are many. Choose models for specific purposes. This will help save time and a decent amount of alteration of finishing work. Purchase tools from reliable suppliers to avoid incidents when the tool breaks in the middle of the putty and violates the entire process technology.

Video review on choosing a putty knife for puttying walls

How to choose a quality spatula

The spatula is one of the most widely used types of tools in finishing, painting and facing works both indoors and outdoors. With it, you can remove old coatings, apply plasters, putties and decorative compositions, wipe the seams, press the wallpaper, apply the adhesive composition and much more.

In order to conduct quality work, you should choose the best option of high quality, how to do it, we will consider in this review.

In the photo: there is a huge number of spatulas, the main thing is to choose the right one for the specific situation

Overview of the main varieties of the tool

In order not to make a mistake when buying, you need to clearly understand what kind of spatula what work is done, because you will have to do it yourself. Next, you should choose the most optimal option, both in terms of quality and price, there are many options in retail chains whose price is unjustified.

Paint spatulas

This group of products is characterized by the following properties:

  • The main purpose of the products is the puttying of indoor surfaces.
  • The blades on such products are elastic and quite thin.
  • The price of such options is quite low.
  • These devices are not suitable for work with heavy mixtures and for operations with heavy loads.

How to choose a putty knife for putty?

Pay attention to the following factors:

  • The handle should fit comfortably in your hand, there should be no burrs or sinks on the surface of the plastic - this is evidence of poor quality injection equipment.
  • The length of the handle should not be too large, a wide and not very long configuration is much more convenient.
  • The shape of the product should be trapezoidal, triangular products are less reliable and it is not very convenient to work with them, especially if this is a narrow option used for applying mortar.
  • Click on the blade - it should not bend too much, if so, then the metal is too thin, and such a product will very soon fail. The closer to each other the ratio of the length and width of the blade, the more reliable the product.
  • All metal elements of the spatula must be made of stainless steel, this guarantees the resistance of the product to corrosion and ease of cleaning after work. In addition, all metal surfaces must be smooth.

Painting spatulas are ideal for small amounts of finishing work.

Tip! If you came across a spatula with a sharpened blade, then know that it does not fit for putty, for example, drywall, its purpose is to remove old wallpaper and paint from surfaces during repair.

Facade spatulas

The tool of this group must meet the following requirements:

  • High reliability, since you have to work with heavy mixtures.
  • Large enough size, since with the help of these devices, significant areas are finished.
  • The use of high-quality materials in production, since many mixtures contain aggressive substances that can damage the metal.

When considering which spatula is best for puttying facades, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • If you are not a professional in this field, then you should not purchase options wider than 400 mm, it is quite difficult to work with them, and the wider the canvas, the more it bends under pressure, and the more difficult it is to achieve an ideal surface quality.
  • It is much more convenient to work with spatulas, in which the handle is made at a slight slope, this position is more ergonomic, in addition, the hand will be less tired during operation.

Handle tilt for enhanced usability

  • Pay attention to the place where the handle is attached to the blade - it must be reliable and durable - the elements must not hang out, otherwise the product will quickly fail.
  • The most important factor by which the tool is selected - the correct geometry and strength of the metal on the blade, it must be absolutely even, otherwise you can hardly make smooth walls. As practice shows, the blades on eight out of ten cheap products are curved, in expensive versions this problem is less relevant. The thicker the metal, the longer the gun will last.

Advice! Most professionals use facade spatulas for interior decoration - they are much more reliable and tougher, which ensures higher quality of the application of mixtures and a long service life.

The smaller the difference in the width of the mount and the working part, the stronger and stiffer the product

Toothed spatulas

This type is used in decoration when applying the adhesive composition for facing materials - ceramic tiles, natural and artificial stone and other similar products.

When choosing these spatulas, consider the following factors:

  • The handle should be comfortable, its place of attachment to the blade should be strong and rigid. Since such products are not subjected to high loads, manufacturers sometimes save on the handle, and it turns out not very reliable.
  • The size of the teeth affects the adhesive coating layer - the larger they are, the thicker the layer. As a rule, the most popular are medium options with a tooth height of 6-8 mm.
  • The blade must be made of stainless steel, this guarantees its durability.

Using such a device to apply a uniform layer of adhesive is very simple

Rubber spatulas

As a rule, a rubber putty knife is not used for putty. This group of products is used for sealing scratches on wooden and laminated surfaces, as well as for sealing joints on surfaces lined with ceramic tiles.

When choosing them, remember the following:

  • If the product is completely rubber, the handle should be firm enough and comfortable to work with.
  • If there is a wooden handle, then its fastening to the rubber must be reliable.

Such products will help seal joints without damaging the material.


We hope this instruction will help you choose the best option for your repair. (See also the article How to putty the ceiling for painting with your own hands.) There are various types of products: for finishing corners or smoothing wallpapers, but choosing them you can use the tips listed above, and then your spatula will be a reliable assistant in any work. The video in this article will clearly show some features of the selection and use of products.

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The most common tools during construction and painting and other types of work are spatulas. The largest group among them are spatulas for puttying walls. Often they differ in the typical sizes and shapes necessary for carrying out specific work.

Which spatula is better for puttying walls?

The main types of spatulas include:

  1. Paint Spatula - Best suited for wall finishes. Using a paint spatula, the following types of work are performed:
  • smoothing irregularities after preliminary puttying;
  • sealing dents and cracks;
  • putty of structures of complex shape;
  • masking of seams between sheets of drywall.

The spatula has a trapezoidal shape and is most often equipped with a plastic handle. From all other types of puttying spatulas, the painting has a number of distinctive features:

  • small plate thickness;
  • flexible and elastic blade;
  • the minimum value of the tool width is 2 cm;
  • made of stainless steel.

  1. Facade spatula - as a rule, it is used for external works, it is also used for interior decoration as an auxiliary tool. The working surface, as well as the paint spatula, is made in the form of a trapezoid. The spatula for facades has a wide blade (from 30 to 60 cm), which is made of carbon steel, which has increased strength characteristics, so it is virtually impossible to bend. The handle can be made of wood or plastic. The special shape of the spatula helps to apply mortar to a fairly large area.

  1. Corner putty knife is a specialized type of putty tool that allows you to process inside and outside corners. The spatula shape is a right angle.

Other types of spatulas

In addition to the main types of staples in the construction market of wall putty tools, you can also find other forms of such a tool. Among them are:

  • spatula-scraper - is used exclusively when it is necessary to remove excess materials from the treated surfaces. The width of such a spatula can vary between 50-70 mm, and the blade has a high degree of flexibility;
  • rubber spatula - ideal for working with sealants, processing tile seams and puttying of small surfaces. They are usually produced with a plate width of 40-80 mm;
  • figured spatula - is used to give the treated surfaces a certain texture, for example, when applying liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster. Often curly spatulas are made of plastic;
  • notched trowel - necessary for applying to the surface of building glue. Depending on the type of glue, the type of spatula is also individually selected. When using tile glue, a spatula with small teeth should be taken, a tool equipped with large teeth is used for gypsum glue, and a spatula with small teeth having a triangular shape is ideal for liquid glue. The width of the working plate can be 200-300 mm.

    We consider the types and sizes of spatulas for puttying walls

Standard sizes of putty for wall putty

Any typical spatula for puttying walls consists of a plate and a handle, and the quality of the alignment of the walls during operation directly depends on the smooth edge of such a tool. The plate can be made of different types of material, mainly: metal, rubber, plastic.

Among the whole variety of models of spatulas for puttying walls, there are:

  • unprofessional species - specialists usually call them disposable. In appearance, they have a thin plate (usually less than 0.5 mm) and a black plastic handle;
  • professional - equipped with a 1 mm plate, which does not bend at the slightest load.

The main criterion for the quality of the spatula is its rigidity, which does not repeat, but corrects irregularities.

Regarding dimensional characteristics, the standard is considered to be:

  • length - depending on the type of work, the length of the spatula is selected individually. Too long a tool, like a short one, will not be a good choice. When puttying the walls, a long blade can bend and thereby adversely affect the quality of wall decoration;
  • width - the most optimal size of a painting staple is considered to be 100-150 mm in combination with a facade staple with a canvas width of 300-450 mm. For puttying, spatulas with a width of 2 to 80 cm are most often used. Narrow spatulas up to 8 cm are used when processing hard-to-reach spots. Fully align the surface with a narrow spatula does not work, so it repeats the bends of the walls. A tool with a width of 10-25 cm is often called type-setting, as it helps to transfer the putty mixture to the working spatula. Spatulas up to 30 cm make it possible to level small surfaces. To fix noticeably curved walls, large and gross defects help the largest spatulas with a width of more than 30 cm. Using spatulas with a width of 60 cm, starting puttying of the walls is carried out with the obligatory application of a coarse thick layer.

Not being a professional finisher, you should not buy a spatula wider than 400 mm (it will be quite difficult to work with such a tool without certain skills and knowledge).

Major manufacturers

Now on the market there are many manufacturers of paint tools. The most popular is the tool of the European brands “Matrix”, “Santool”, “Homa” and “Eurotex”. Among Russian manufacturers, according to user reviews, the Zubr trademark tool has proven its worth. All the above manufacturers give a guarantee on all products, which indicates high technical quality and reliability in working with the tool.

In order for the spatula to last a long time, regardless of its manufacturer's company, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the tool from plaster or other materials after work.

Putty is a very important stage of each repair, because when wallpapering or painting a wall it is very important on which surface this work will be done.

Therefore, starting repairs on their own, each owner will certainly face the question: what kind of tool to putty the walls for sure he will need, and which is not necessary for this process.

Here is what you can’t do without exactly:

  • Drill with a special nozzle - mixer;
  • A set of spatulas in various sizes;
  • Rule
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sanding bar (skater);
  • Primer rollers;
  • Mixing tank.

It is worth considering in more detail what is required and how it is used.

Mixer Drill

Putty mixture is sold mainly in bags as a dry mixture.

Putty knife for puttying walls. What do you need to know?

Water is added to such a mixture according to the instructions. Therefore, to prepare putty, a drill with a mixer is simply necessary.

Of course, you can try to stir manually, but it will not give a good result, only time will be wasted.

The fact is that it will not work to manually mix a large volume, and to apply the mixture in small doses is unproductive. And it will not work out manually to mix as thoroughly as it can be done with a mixer.

When mixing manually, unbroken putty lumps will surely remain, which will interfere with the quality application of the mixture to the surface.

Set of spatulas in various sizes.

Indeed, the quality of the repair depends on the right choice. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The blade should be made of stainless steel, which will facilitate its cleaning after completion of work and will help to avoid rust during further storage;
  • The metal part should be perfectly flat and smooth. If roughness is present on it, then this drawback must be eliminated by treating the problem area with a piece of sandpaper;
  • For the convenience of applying the mixture, the shape of the plate should be trapezoidal;
  • When pressing the blade there should not be a strong bend, otherwise it will mean the unreliability of the product due to too thin metal used for its production;
  • The handle should be short, wide and not too heavy, otherwise holding the tool for a long time on the weight will be very uncomfortable.

  A putty knife is the main tool for puttying walls. For the production of this type of work, it is necessary to keep several devices of various sizes on hand:

  • From 4 to 8 cm - designed for work in hard-to-reach places - behind batteries, pipes or in corners;
  • 10 cm - it is convenient for them to remove the putty from the bucket and apply it on a large spatula;
  • 25 cm - used to putty small bumps;
  • 35 cm - with a tool of this size it is good to close up various seams;
  • A large spatula with a size of 45 to 60 cm is designed for basic puttying.

The rule

A rule is a perfectly flat metal tool that checks to see if a wall is well aligned. To conduct a similar check, just attach it to the wall with an edge.

  Thus it is necessary to be convinced that the guide is located exactly vertically. If the surface does not have defects in the form of bulges or, conversely, indentations, then a flat bar will fit snugly against the wall.

If mistakes were made when aligning the wall, then the end of the rail will "walk".

Another way to use this tool is to smooth out excess plaster when applying the mixture to the surface. The optimal size of the rule is 1.5 - 2 meters.


Sandpaper, colloquially referred to as sandpaper, is used to sand the walls after the plaster dries. This is required due to the fact that after the end of work any defects remain - traces of a spatula, small excesses of the solution.

  The first stage of grinding is best done with a coarse-grained skin marked with P100 to P180. The final finish is done with sandpaper with markings from P220 to P280.

When performing this type of work, care must be taken to protect the eyes and respiratory organs from fine dust flying in abundance.

Sanding bar, roller, primer brush and container

The sanding bar, or manual skater, is a plane with sandpaper clips and a handle for your convenience.

Such a tool is much more convenient to carry out grinding. This procedure is carried out from top to bottom, processing in turn small sections in circular motions.

It is better to choose a velor roller - with its help the procedure will be carried out carefully and without unnecessary splashes. For processing corners and inaccessible places it is more convenient to use a brush.

  A construction bucket is purchased at any hardware store. But if there is no desire to spend the extra money, then you can use the old home bucket, which then will not be a pity to throw out.

  At the end of work, the wall putty tool must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry with a dry cloth. In the future, these tools are kept separate from the rest.

It is used for smoothing the surface with a plaster mixture, laying ceramic tiles, stripping, and other operations.

In appearance, the putty knife for puttying the walls resembles a shovel. It consists of a steel, rubber, wooden work surface, as well as a rubberized plastic handle.


There are several types of hand tools for decoration. They differ in the shape of the working blade and handle, in the material of manufacture, and in the technological purpose. There are models designed to fulfill a wide range of tasks; there is a narrow specialization. For example, a putty knife for wall puttying consists of a flat steel spatula, a wooden or plastic handle. Consider the main types:

  • Front
  • Painter
  • Angular
  • Spatula scraper


It is used for interior and exterior decoration. It consists of a convenient plastic handle and a durable blade. The canvas is made of high-strength steel, which practically does not bend, does not scratch.

The working plate is made in the form of a trapezoid, which makes working with the tool more convenient. Its width is 300-600 millimeters. It is not replaceable when working in large areas. For the manufacture of the working surface, high-carbon steel is used.

Plasterers often use a combination of facade and painting hand tools. Using a paint spatula, the solution is applied to the facade, and then stretched along the wall. During the finish, the opposite is true. A mortar is scooped up with a facade spatula, and then with a paint spatula it is applied to the wall.


A compact hand tool that is used for finishing, where not volume comes to the fore, but the accuracy and evenness of applying the mortar mixture. In form, it differs little from the facade. The handle is made of plastic. The working part is made of durable, flexible steel with a pointed outer edge. The shape of the canvas is trapezoidal.

It has a wide scope:

  • Final surface treatment after applying the main layer of plaster
  • Sealing joints between sheet cladding
  • Sealing of small irregularities, cracks in a monolithic surface, mechanical dents
  • Work in hard to reach places

There are several parameters that distinguish it from the facade:

  • The width of the working area. It is within 20-200 mm, which is less than that of a facade spatula
  • For the manufacture of a paint spatula, thinner and more flexible metal is used.
  • Stainless steel painting tool canvas. While for the facade analogue, the best option is high-carbon steel


A highly specialized tool for working with right angles. It consists of two steel plates connected at right angles and a plastic handle. The scope is limited to puttying of internal corners. This is a laborious task requiring professional skills. Builders to perform this type of work often use the usual facade or painting.

Spatula scraper

It is used only to remove fresh influx of plaster mortar. The specificity of the field of application affects its design features. This is a narrow 50-70 mm tool with a strong working area made of thick hardened steel.

Application area

The main rule - for each stage of finishing work requires its own tool with a certain width of the working part:

  • Large spatulas with a wide working area of \u200b\u200b250-600 mm are used in the first stage of leveling a wall or ceiling. They are intended for single application of a thick layer of plaster mix. This allows you to quickly smooth out the surface, close up large potholes, chips. Work with the tool is called “rough” alignment
  • Spatulas with a working area width of 150-250 mm are widely used for primary finishing on relatively flat surfaces. A medium-sized tool performs the same operations as a large one, but with less energy. It’s easier for them to work as a beginner finisher
  • Spatulas with a narrow working area of \u200b\u200b50-100 mm are used for finishing. With their help, small irregularities and chips are repaired, and work is also being carried out in hard-to-reach places.

Selection rules

Construction stores are literally littered with tools from different manufacturers, cheap and expensive. There are a few tips that can help to distinguish low-quality from high-quality:

  1. A pen. In a good model, it lies comfortably in the hand, does not bend. On the surface there are no flows of plastic, burrs. Do not dwell on the option with a black molded handle made of cheap plastic. This is an indicator of poor quality;
  2. The length should correspond to the task and not impede the work. It will bend too long; the hand will touch short;
  3. The shape of the canvas. The best option for classic plaster and putty is a trapezoid;
  4. The quality of the canvas. Flexibility is the main indicator of a good tool. If the blade bends too much when pressed, the solution will fall. A too rigid working part may burst under pressure. The best option is a blade that is slightly springy;
  5. Web material. The most practical option is stainless steel. It does not collapse from water, it is easily cleaned from solution. There are cheap models made of simple iron. They are characterized by low quality, short service life;
  6. In a quality model, the blade is dull.

Manufacturers can be divided by the level of trust and popularity among ordinary users:

  • The most rated, expensive and high-quality tools are manufactured by Sheetrock, Stayer, Anza
  • In the middle segment by price and quality, Kraftool, Bison can be distinguished
  • In the budget segment, Fit, Brigadier stand out

There are many types of spatulas, as well as the work they perform: they can align walls and ceilings, peel off old wallpaper or paint, smooth wallpaper when gluing, lay tiles, etc. Spatulas can be either plastic or rubber, or metal. Having come to a specialized store, or to the market, it is highly likely to buy not quite what you need for this type of work. Unfortunately, not all sellers are up to date, especially in the markets. Today we will talk about spatulas for puttying walls.

So that this work does not become Sisyphean work for you, and you do not have to suffer with a small spatula, which is extremely inconvenient and unproductive to work with, or, conversely, too wide, you need to keep in mind that the most correct, if not the only the solution is to work with two spatulas at the same time (combined).

There are two types of flat spatulas:

  • Spatula-spatula (painting);
  • The pallet is front.

The latter is much larger than the first, and is intended for filling large areas. However, this does not mean at all that the facade spatula is intended solely to putty the facades. Indoors, it is used quite often. They spatulate extremely rarely with a spatula, and it is an auxiliary tool for working with a facade spatula - a puttying compound is applied to it on the blade of the facade spatula.

Application of decorative plaster with a spatula

Decorative plaster is a slightly different kind of finish than simple putty. What kind of spatula is needed for her and how to choose the right tool?

For each type of decorative plaster, the appropriate tool is selected. It can be a sponge, trowel, trowel, brush, trowel, curly rollers, etc., but the main tool for applying any type of plaster is a spatula.

So, what should a spatula be like in order for this type of wall plaster to work out and please the eye for many years:

  • Toothed
  • Angular;
  • Rubber.

The spatula can be trapezoidal or rectangular in shape.

The working surface of the stainless steel spatula should be perfectly smooth, otherwise the decorative finish will be of poor quality.

The main purpose of this kind of spatulas is to smooth the plaster on the wall surface.

Spatula dimensions: right choice

Spatulas for applying plaster are very different. Any professional, in his arsenal, has at least several types and several sizes of them - it all depends on their purpose.

What should be the overall dimensions of the spatula:

  1. Blade width: the most optimal size of the blade of the paint spatula is 100-150 mm, provided that this spatula will be used in conjunction with the facade. The most optimal width of the blade of the facade spatula is 300-450 mm.
  2. Blade length: a spatula that is too long (with a “high” blade) is not quite the right choice! The blade of such a spatula will bend too much because of its large length. This will inevitably affect the quality of wall decoration.

When choosing any spatula, you need to pay attention to the reliability of fastening the blade to the handle. The connection should not hang - such a spatula can not be worked out for a long time - it will quickly become worthless.

If you are not a professional decorator, then you should not get a spatula wider than 400mm, because it is quite difficult to work with such without certain skills. In addition, the wider the blade, the greater its deflection under pressure, and it will be extremely difficult to achieve a completely flat surface.

From such seemingly “trifles” it depends directly on how the quality of the work performed and the time spent will be.

Choice of putty knife for puttying (video)

Which spatula is best for puttying the walls: make a choice

The choice of a spatula for wall decoration is not so easy, given the current abundance of professional tools in the market for construction products.

It is necessary to focus on the following parameters:

  1. First of all, on the handle, which should be short, stiff and thick, so that excessive elasticity is not created when pressing the spatula. The most practical plastic handle - it is easier to clean from putty material.
  2. The correct shape and strength of the metal of the blade is perhaps the most important indicator when choosing this tool. Bad blade geometry will force you to redo all the work.

When choosing a spatula for wall decoration, you should consider all of the above factors in order to achieve the quality of work you need.

  The quality of the spatula blade: we pay special attention

A good, “signature” spatula, which the professional finisher uses constantly, that is, day after day, lasts a long time - at least 3-4 years, or even more. Of course, such a spatula costs a little more, but this choice is justified, and ultimately costs much less than the frequent replacement of cheap analogues.

Do not save too much money to purchase a spatula. Even if you are not a professional, and your goal is to finish the walls of only your apartment, you should buy a normal tool, not a penny “version”. And now you will have a putty knife in stock, without exaggeration, for all subsequent repairs to your home.

Tips for choosing:

  • Bend the trowel without much effort. If he bends too easily - do not take it.
  • As for the material from which the web is made, then, of course, priority has always been and remains for stainless steel. It is such a spatula that is most durable, does not blacken the wall during puttying and is easy to clean, both during and after work.
  • Pay attention to the bend ("waves") of the canvas, it should not be too large, although, in fairness, it should be noted that such defects are often characteristic even of spatulas of famous brands.
  • And another important nuance: during the selection, the edge of the canvas along the entire length, edge, is applied to some smooth surface.

There should ideally be no gaps between the edge of the web and the attached surface.

Choice of spatula: what you need to pay attention to (video)

Without a correctly selected spatula, the correct decoration of the walls will not work - this is an axiom, here you do not need to think and calculate, you just need to remember it, and once and for all. A putty knife for high-quality putty is a prerequisite for that, because without a high-quality blade and an ergonomic, comfortable handle, there will be no sense. You can have truly “golden” hands, but without the right tool, all your efforts will be nullified! With a huge choice, there is always the opportunity to make the right choice in order to work with the right tool.

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